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Federated Reinforcement Learning with Environment Heterogeneity
Maillard Sampling: Boltzmann Exploration Done Optimally
Gaussian Process Bandit Optimization with Few Batches
System-Agnostic Meta-Learning for MDP-based Dynamic Scheduling via Descriptive Policy
Deep Layer-wise Networks Have Closed-Form Weights
Sequential Multivariate Change Detection with Calibrated and Memoryless False Detection Rates
Neural Contextual Bandits without Regret
SAN: Stochastic Average Newton Algorithm for Minimizing Finite Sums
Factorization Approach for Low-complexity Matrix Completion Problems: Exponential Number of Spurious Solutions and Failure of Gradient Methods
k-experts - Online Policies and Fundamental Limits
Extragradient Method: O(1/K) Last-Iterate Convergence for Monotone Variational Inequalities and Connections With Cocoercivity
Exploiting Correlation to Achieve Faster Learning Rates in Low-Rank Preference Bandits
Finding Dynamics Preserving Adversarial Winning Tickets
Being a Bit Frequentist Improves Bayesian Neural Networks
Jointly Efficient and Optimal Algorithms for Logistic Bandits
Obtaining Causal Information by Merging Datasets with MAXENT
Probabilistic Numerical Method of Lines for Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations
Basis Matters: Better Communication-Efficient Second Order Methods for Federated Learning
Infinitely Deep Bayesian Neural Networks with Stochastic Differential Equations
Causally motivated shortcut removal using auxiliary labels
Identity Testing of Reversible Markov Chains
Sampling in Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Clustering Streaming Data
A Globally Convergent Evolutionary Strategy for Stochastic Constrained Optimization with Applications to Reinforcement Learning
Robustness and Reliability When Training With Noisy Labels
Robust Bayesian Inference for Simulator-based Models via the MMD Posterior Bootstrap
A Last Switch Dependent Analysis of Satiation and Seasonality in Bandits
Fixed Support Tree-Sliced Wasserstein Barycenter
k-Pareto Optimality-Based Sorting with Maximization of Choice
Survival regression with proper scoring rules and monotonic neural networks
Spiked Covariance Estimation from Modulo-Reduced Measurements
A Contraction Theory Approach to Optimization Algorithms from Acceleration Flows
A Witness Two-Sample Test
Sample-and-threshold differential privacy: Histograms and applications
A Complete Characterisation of ReLU-Invariant Distributions
Discovering Inductive Bias with Gibbs Priors: A Diagnostic Tool for Approximate Bayesian Inference
Deep Generative model with Hierarchical Latent Factors for Time Series Anomaly Detection
Online Learning for Unknown Partially Observable MDPs
Convergence of Langevin Monte Carlo in Chi-Squared and Rényi Divergence
Learning from Multiple Noisy Partial Labelers
Controlling Epidemic Spread using Probabilistic Diffusion Models on Networks
Learning Tensor Representations for Meta-Learning
On a Connection Between Fast and Sparse Oblivious Subspace Embeddings
Information-Theoretic Analysis of Epistemic Uncertainty in Bayesian Meta-learning
Generalised GPLVM with Stochastic Variational Inference
Minimax Kernel Machine Learning for a Class of Doubly Robust Functionals with Application to Proximal Causal Inference
Sensing Cox Processes via Posterior Sampling and Positive Bases
Transfer Learning with Gaussian Processes for Bayesian Optimization
Orthogonal Multi-Manifold Enriching of Directed Networks
Solving Marginal MAP Exactly by Probabilistic Circuit Transformations
Common Failure Modes of Subcluster-based Sampling in Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Models - and a Deep-learning Solution
How to Learn when Data Gradually Reacts to Your Model
Improved Approximation Algorithms for Individually Fair Clustering
Characterizing and Understanding the Generalization Error of Transfer Learning with Gibbs Algorithm
Orbital MCMC
On Margins and Derandomisation in PAC-Bayes
Warping Layer: Representation Learning for Label Structures in Weakly Supervised Learning
VFDS: Variational Foresight Dynamic Selection in Bayesian Neural Networks for Efficient Human Activity Recognition
ExactBoost: Directly Boosting the Margin in Combinatorial and Non-decomposable Metrics
Two-Sample Test with Kernel Projected Wasserstein Distance
Cross-Loss Influence Functions to Explain Deep Network Representations
Adaptively Partitioning Max-Affine Estimators for Convex Regression
Learning Quantile Functions without Quantile Crossing for Distribution-free Time Series Forecasting
Sinkformers: Transformers with Doubly Stochastic Attention
Many processors, little time: MCMC for partitions via optimal transport couplings
Convergence of online k-means
Best Arm Identification with Safety Constraints
Adaptive Importance Sampling meets Mirror Descent : a Bias-variance Tradeoff
Resampling Base Distributions of Normalizing Flows
On Coresets for Fair Regression and Individually Fair Clustering
Pairwise Fairness for Ordinal Regression
Fast Sparse Classification for Generalized Linear and Additive Models
DEANN: Speeding up Kernel-Density Estimation using Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
Chernoff Sampling for Active Testing and Extension to Active Regression
Predicting the impact of treatments over time with uncertainty aware neural differential equations.
Polynomial Time Reinforcement Learning in Factored State MDPs with Linear Value Functions
On the Convergence Rate of Off-Policy Policy Optimization Methods with Density-Ratio Correction
A prior-based approximate latent Riemannian metric
Outcome Assumptions and Duality Theory for Balancing Weights
Leveraging Time Irreversibility with Order-Contrastive Pre-training
Provable Continual Learning via Sketched Jacobian Approximations
FLIX: A Simple and Communication-Efficient Alternative to Local Methods in Federated Learning
The Curse of Passive Data Collection in Batch Reinforcement Learning
Relational Neural Markov Random Fields
Dropout as a Regularizer of Interaction Effects
Equivariant Deep Dynamical Model for Motion Prediction
Local SGD Optimizes Overparameterized Neural Networks in Polynomial Time
Transductive Robust Learning Guarantees
Optimizing Early Warning Classifiers to Control False Alarms via a Minimum Precision Constraint
Private Sequential Hypothesis Testing for Statisticians: Privacy, Error Rates, and Sample Size
Differentiable Bayesian inference of SDE parameters using a pathwise series expansion of Brownian motion
Tight bounds for minimum $\ell_1$-norm interpolation of noisy data
PAC Learning of Quantum Measurement Classes : Sample Complexity Bounds and Universal Consistency
Policy Learning and Evaluation with Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo
Learning to Plan Variable Length Sequences of Actions with a Cascading Bandit Click Model of User Feedback
Estimators of Entropy and Information via Inference in Probabilistic Models
Modeling Conditional Dependencies in Multiagent Trajectories
Preference Exploration for Efficient Bayesian Optimization with Multiple Outcomes
Physics Informed Deep Kernel Learning
Flexible Accuracy for Differential Privacy
Towards Understanding Biased Client Selection in Federated Learning
Exact Community Recovery over Signed Graphs
Learning Interpretable, Tree-Based Projection Mappings for Nonlinear Embeddings
Feature screening with kernel knockoffs
Learning Sparse Fixed-Structure Gaussian Bayesian Networks
A Unified View of SDP-based Neural Network Verification through Completely Positive Programming
Rapid Convergence of Informed Importance Tempering
Distributed Sparse Multicategory Discriminant Analysis
Asynchronous Distributed Optimization with Stochastic Delays
AdaBlock: SGD with Practical Block Diagonal Matrix Adaptation for Deep Learning
Generative Models as Distributions of Functions
Sharp Bounds for Federated Averaging (Local SGD) and Continuous Perspective
Iterative Alignment Flows
Optimal estimation of Gaussian DAG models
Data-splitting improves statistical performance in overparameterized regimes
Firebolt: Weak Supervision Under Weaker Assumptions
A Dimensionality Reduction Method for Finding Least Favorable Priors with a Focus on Bregman Divergence
Zeroth-Order Methods for Convex-Concave Min-max Problems: Applications to Decision-Dependent Risk Minimization
Near-optimal Local Convergence of Alternating Gradient Descent-Ascent for Minimax Optimization
On Some Fast And Robust Classifiers For High Dimension, Low Sample Size Data
New Coresets for Projective Clustering and Applications
An Unsupervised Hunt for Gravitational Lenses
An Alternate Policy Gradient Estimator for Softmax Policies
Efficient and passive learning of networked dynamical systems driven by non-white exogenous inputs
Label differential privacy via clustering
On the Convergence of Stochastic Extragradient for Bilinear Games using Restarted Iteration Averaging
Optimal transport with $f$-divergence regularization and generalized Sinkhorn algorithm
State Dependent Performative Prediction with Stochastic Approximation
On the Value of Prior in Online Learning to Rank
Using time-series privileged information for provably efficient learning of prediction models
Pareto Optimal Model Selection in Linear Bandits
Density Ratio Estimation via Infinitesimal Classification
Nuances in Margin Conditions Determine Gains in Active Learning
Asynchronous Upper Confidence Bound Algorithms for Federated Linear Bandits
Meta Learning MDPs with linear transition models
Approximate Function Evaluation via Multi-Armed Bandits
Variational Marginal Particle Filters
A New Notion of Individually Fair Clustering: $\alpha$-Equitable $k$-Center
Variational Continual Proxy-Anchor for Deep Metric Learning
Conditional Linear Regression for Heterogeneous Covariances
Learning in Stochastic Monotone Games with Decision-Dependent Data
Sobolev Norm Learning Rates for Conditional Mean Embeddings
On the Convergence of Continuous Constrained Optimization for Structure Learning
TD-GEN: Graph Generation Using Tree Decomposition
Hierarchical Bayesian Bandits
Neural Enhanced Dynamic Message Passing
Random Effect Bandits
Synthsonic: Fast, Probabilistic modeling and Synthesis of Tabular Data
A cautionary tale on fitting decision trees to data from additive models: generalization lower bounds
An Optimal Algorithm for Strongly Convex Minimization under Affine Constraints
Optimal partition recovery in general graphs
Multi-class classification in nonparametric active learning
On the Generalization of Representations in Reinforcement Learning
Amortized Rejection Sampling in Universal Probabilistic Programming
A Class of Geometric Structures in Transfer Learning: Minimax Bounds and Optimality
Common Information based Approximate State Representations in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Dimensionality Reduction and Prioritized Exploration for Policy Search
Optimal Compression of Locally Differentially Private Mechanisms
Differentially Private Regression with Unbounded Covariates
Proximal Optimal Transport Modeling of Population Dynamics
Strategic ranking
ContextGen: Targeted Data Generation for Low Resource Domain Specific Text Classification
Reconstructing Test Labels from Noisy Loss Functions
One-bit Submission for Locally Private Quasi-MLE: Its Asymptotic Normality and Limitation
Almost Optimal Universal Lower Bound for Learning Causal DAGs with Atomic Interventions
Improved analysis of randomized SVD for top-eigenvector approximation
Exploring Image Regions Not Well Encoded by an INN
Online Page Migration with ML Advice
Faster Single-loop Algorithms for Minimax Optimization without Strong Concavity
Implicitly Regularized RL with Implicit Q-values
Equivariance Discovery by Learned Parameter-Sharing
On Distributionally Robust Optimization and Data Rebalancing
Analysis of a Target-Based Actor-Critic Algorithm with Linear Function Approximation
Solving Multi-Arm Bandit Using a Few Bits of Communication
Entropy Regularized Optimal Transport Independence Criterion
Adaptation of the Independent Metropolis-Hastings Sampler with Normalizing Flow Proposals
Top K Ranking for Multi-Armed Bandit with Noisy Evaluations
Communication-Compressed Adaptive Gradient Method for Distributed Nonconvex Optimization
Ada-BKB: Scalable Gaussian Process Optimization on Continuous Domains by Adaptive Discretization
Convex Analysis of the Mean Field Langevin Dynamics
Norm-Agnostic Linear Bandits
Standardisation-function Kernel Stein Discrepancy: A Unifying View on Kernel Stein Discrepancy Tests for Goodness-of-fit
SHAFF: Fast and consistent SHApley eFfect estimates via random Forests
Testing Granger Non-Causality in Panels with Cross-Sectional Dependencies
Outlier-Robust Optimal Transport: Duality, Structure, and Statistical Analysis
Mean Nyström Embeddings for Adaptive Compressive Learning
PAC Mode Estimation using PPR Martingale Confidence Sequences
Feature Collapsing for Gaussian Process Variable Ranking
The Curse Revisited: When are Distances Informative for the Ground Truth in Noisy High-Dimensional Data?
Gap-Dependent Bounds for Two-Player Markov Games
Accurate Shapley Values for explaining tree-based models
Node Feature Kernels Increase Graph Convolutional Network Robustness
Differentially Private Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Data
Fast Rank-1 NMF for Missing Data with KL Divergence
Heavy-tailed Streaming Statistical Estimation
Compressed Rule Ensemble Learning
CATVI: Conditional and Adaptively Truncated Variational Inference for Hierarchical Bayesian Nonparametric Models
Marginalized Operators for Off-policy Reinforcement Learning
An Online Learning Approach to Interpolation and Extrapolation in Domain Generalization
On the Assumptions of Synthetic Control Methods
A Spectral Perspective of DNN Robustness to Label Noise
Lagrangian manifold Monte Carlo on Monge patches
Is Bayesian Model-Agnostic Meta Learning Better than Model-Agnostic Meta Learning, Provably?
Parallel MCMC Without Embarrassing Failures
Counterfactual Explanation Trees: Transparent and Consistent Actionable Recourse with Decision Trees
Spectral risk-based learning using unbounded losses
A Dual Approach to Constrained Markov Decision Processes with Entropy Regularization
On the Global Optimum Convergence of Momentum-based Policy Gradient
Nonstochastic Bandits and Experts with Arm-Dependent Delays
p-Generalized Probit Regression and Scalable Maximum Likelihood Estimation via Sketching and Coresets
Non-stationary Online Learning with Memory and Non-stochastic Control
Improving Attribution Methods by Learning Submodular Functions
Conditional Gradients for the Approximately Vanishing Ideal
Efficient Algorithms for Extreme Bandits
Rejection sampling from shape-constrained distributions in sublinear time
Bayesian Classifier Fusion with an Explicit Model of Correlation
Conditionally Gaussian PAC-Bayes
Moment Matching Deep Contrastive Latent Variable Models
Unifying Importance Based Regularisation Methods for Continual Learning
Differentially Private Histograms under Continual Observation: Streaming Selection into the Unknown
Confident Least Square Value Iteration with Local Access to a Simulator
Safe Optimal Design with Applications in Off-Policy Learning
Scaling and Scalability: Provable Nonconvex Low-Rank Tensor Completion
Pairwise Supervision Can Provably Elicit a Decision Boundary
Loss as the Inconsistency of a Probabilistic Dependency Graph: Choose Your Model, Not Your Loss Function
Provably Efficient Policy Optimization for Two-Player Zero-Sum Markov Games
Noise Regularizes Over-parameterized Rank One Matrix Recovery, Provably
Sampling from Arbitrary Functions via PSD Models
Uncertainty Quantification for Bayesian Optimization
Metalearning Linear Bandits by Prior Update
Randomized Stochastic Gradient Descent Ascent
Aligned Multi-Task Gaussian Process
Super-Acceleration with Cyclical Step-sizes
On PAC-Bayesian reconstruction guarantees for VAEs
MT3: Meta Test-Time Training for Self-Supervised Test-Time Adaption
Reward-Free Policy Space Compression for Reinforcement Learning
Learning Quantile Functions for Temporal Point Processes with Recurrent Neural Splines
Triple-Q: A Model-Free Algorithm for Constrained Reinforcement Learning with Sublinear Regret and Zero Constraint Violation
Measuring the robustness of Gaussian processes to kernel choice
A general sample complexity analysis of vanilla policy gradient
LIMESegment: Meaningful, Realistic Time Series Explanations
A Random Matrix Perspective on Mixtures of Nonlinearities in High Dimensions
Spectral Pruning for Recurrent Neural Networks
Finding Nearly Everything within Random Binary Networks
Last Layer Marginal Likelihood for Invariance Learning
Minimax Optimization: The Case of Convex-Submodular
Federated Learning with Buffered Asynchronous Aggregation
Bayesian Inference and Partial Identification in Multi-Treatment Causal Inference with Unobserved Confounding
Deep Neyman-Scott Processes
Practical Schemes for Finding Near-Stationary Points of Convex Finite-Sums
Computing D-Stationary Points of $\rho$-Margin Loss SVM
An Information-Theoretic Justification for Model Pruning
Nearly Minimax Optimal Regret for Learning Infinite-horizon Average-reward MDPs with Linear Function Approximation
On Facility Location Problem in the Local Differential Privacy Model
Mitigating Bias in Calibration Error Estimation
How and When Random Feedback Works: A Case Study of Low-Rank Matrix Factorization
Gap-Dependent Unsupervised Exploration for Reinforcement Learning
Identifiable Energy-based Representations: An Application to Estimating Heterogeneous Causal Effects
Learning a Single Neuron for Non-monotonic Activation Functions
Can Pretext-Based Self-Supervised Learning Be Boosted by Downstream Data? A Theoretical Analysis
Model-free Policy Learning with Reward Gradients
Near-optimal Policy Optimization Algorithms for Learning Adversarial Linear Mixture MDPs
Denoising and change point localisation in piecewise-constant high-dimensional regression coefficients
On Multimarginal Partial Optimal Transport: Equivalent Forms and Computational Complexity
Independent Natural Policy Gradient always converges in Markov Potential Games
Projection Predictive Inference for Generalized Linear and Additive Multilevel Models
CF-GNNExplainer: Counterfactual Explanations for Graph Neural Networks
Safe Active Learning for Multi-Output Gaussian Processes
Variational Autoencoders: A Harmonic Perspective
On the Consistency of Max-Margin Losses
Learning Proposals for Practical Energy-Based Regression
Improved Algorithms for Misspecified Linear Markov Decision Processes
Optimal Accounting of Differential Privacy via Characteristic Function
Adaptive Gaussian Processes on Graphs via Spectral Graph Wavelets
Bayesian Link Prediction with Deep Graph Convolutional Gaussian Processes
On the Interplay between Information Loss and Operation Loss in Representations for Classification
Pulling back information geometry
Federated Myopic Community Detection with One-shot Communication
Variational Gaussian Processes: A Functional Analysis View
Faster Unbalanced Optimal Transport: Translation invariant Sinkhorn and 1-D Frank-Wolfe
Off-Policy Risk Assessment for Markov Decision Processes
Kantorovich Mechanism for Pufferfish Privacy
Margin-distancing for safe model explanation
Modelling Non-Smooth Signals with Complex Spectral Structure
Convergent Working Set Algorithm for Lasso with Non-Convex Sparse Regularizers
Crowdsourcing Regression: A Spectral Approach
How to scale hyperparameters for quickshift image segmentation
Wide Mean-Field Bayesian Neural Networks Ignore the Data
Reinforcement Learning with Fast Stabilization in Linear Dynamical Systems
Adaptive Private-K-Selection with Adaptive K and Application to Multi-label PATE
Beyond the Policy Gradient Theorem for Efficient Policy Updates in Actor-Critic Algorithms
Efficient Kernelized UCB for Contextual Bandits
Acceleration in Distributed Optimization under Similarity
Corruption-robust Offline Reinforcement Learning
A Cramér Distance perspective on Quantile Regression based Distributional Reinforcement Learning
Harmless interpolation in regression and classification with structured features
Masked Training of Neural Networks with Partial Gradients
On Combining Bags to Better Learn from Label Proportions
Permutation Equivariant Layers for Higher Order Interactions
Parameter-Free Online Linear Optimization with Side Information via Universal Coin Betting
Performative Prediction in a Stateful World
Learning Revenue-Maximizing Auctions With Differentiable Matching
The Tree Loss: Improving Generalization with Many Classes
Double Control Variates for Gradient Estimation in Discrete Latent Variable Models
Learning Competitive Equilibria in Exchange Economies with Bandit Feedback
Differential privacy for symmetric log-concave mechanisms
Fair Disaster Containment via Graph-Cut Problems
QLSD: Quantised Langevin Stochastic Dynamics for Bayesian Federated Learning
Lifted Division for Lifted Hugin Belief Propagation
Are All Linear Regions Created Equal?
Co-Regularized Adversarial Learning for Multi-Domain Text Classification
Near Instance Optimal Model Selection for Pure Exploration Linear Bandits
Identification in Tree-shaped Linear Structural Causal Models
PAC Top-$k$ Identification under SST in Limited Rounds
Dual-Level Adaptive Information Filtering for Interactive Image Segmentation
A Predictive Approach to Bayesian Nonparametric Survival Analysis
On the equivalence of Oja's algorithm and GROUSE
Neural score matching for high-dimensional causal inference
Robust Stochastic Linear Contextual Bandits Under Adversarial Attacks
Faster Rates, Adaptive Algorithms, and Finite-Time Bounds for Linear Composition Optimization and Gradient TD Learning
Investigating the Role of Negatives in Contrastive Representation Learning
Derivative-Based Neural Modelling of Cumulative Distribution Functions for Survival Analysis
Cycle Consistent Probability Divergences Across Different Spaces
A Bandit Model for Human-Machine Decision Making with Private Information and Opacity
Approximate Top-$m$ Arm Identification with Heterogeneous Reward Variances
On perfectness in Gaussian graphical models
Nearly Optimal Algorithms for Level Set Estimation
Complex Momentum for Optimization in Games
Asymptotically Optimal Locally Private Heavy Hitters via Parameterized Sketches
Tuning-Free Generalized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
Federated Functional Gradient Boosting
Stochastic Extragradient: General Analysis and Improved Rates
Deep Non-crossing Quantiles through the Partial Derivative
Vanishing Curvature in Randomly Initialized Deep ReLU Networks
Fast and Scalable Spike and Slab Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Gaussian Processes
Self-training Converts Weak Learners to Strong Learners in Mixture Models
Mode estimation on matrix manifolds: Convergence and robustness
Towards Federated Bayesian Network Structure Learning with Continuous Optimization
Hardness of Learning a Single Neuron with Adversarial Label Noise
Low-Pass Filtering SGD for Recovering Flat Optima in the Deep Learning Optimization Landscape
A Bayesian Approach for Stochastic Continuum-armed Bandit with Long-term Constraints
Faster One-Sample Stochastic Conditional Gradient Method for Composite Convex Minimization
Adversarial Tracking Control via Strongly Adaptive Online Learning with Memory
Look-Ahead Acquisition Functions for Bernoulli Level Set Estimation
Debiasing Samples from Online Learning Using Bootstrap
Contrasting the landscape of contrastive and non-contrastive learning
Fundamental limits for rank-one matrix estimation with groupwise heteroskedasticity
Decoupling Local and Global Representations of Time Series
Regret Bounds for Expected Improvement Algorithms in Gaussian Process Bandit Optimization
Beta Shapley: a Unified and Noise-reduced Data Valuation Framework for Machine Learning
Online Continual Adaptation with Active Self-Training
Structured variational inference in Bayesian state-space models
Structured Multi-task Learning for Molecular Property Prediction
Nonparametric Relational Models with Superrectangulation
Regret, stability & fairness in matching markets with bandit learners
Probing GNN Explainers: A Rigorous Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of GNN Explanation Methods
Near-Optimal Task Selection for Meta-Learning with Mutual Information and Online Variational Bayesian Unlearning
Sketch-and-lift: scalable subsampled semidefinite program for K-means clustering
Calibration Error for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
Recoverability Landscape of Tree Structured Markov Random Fields under Symmetric Noise
Learning and Generalization in Overparameterized Normalizing Flows
Disentangling Whether from When in a Neural Mixture Cure Model for Failure Time Data
Sample Complexity of Robust Reinforcement Learning with a Generative Model
LocoProp: Enhancing BackProp via Local Loss Optimization
Primal-Dual Stochastic Mirror Descent for MDPs
Marginalising over Stationary Kernels with Bayesian Quadrature
Sobolev Transport: A Scalable Metric for Probability Measures with Graph Metrics
Provable Adversarial Robustness for Fractional Lp Threat Models
Learning Pareto-Efficient Decisions with Confidence
Pick-and-Mix Information Operators for Probabilistic ODE Solvers
Finite Sample Analysis of Mean-Volatility Actor-Critic for Risk-Averse Reinforcement Learning
The Importance of Future Information in Credit Card Fraud Detection
A Non-asymptotic Approach to Best-Arm Identification for Gaussian Bandits
Efficient computation of the the volume of a polytope in high-dimensions using Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes
REPID: Regional Effect Plots with implicit Interaction Detection
Statistical Depth Functions for Ranking Distributions: Definitions, Statistical Learning and Applications
Duel-based Deep Learning system for solving IQ tests
Increasing the accuracy and resolution of precipitation forecasts using deep generative models
Multivariate Quantile Function Forecaster
Non-separable Spatio-temporal Graph Kernels via SPDEs
On the Oracle Complexity of Higher-Order Smooth Non-Convex Finite-Sum Optimization
Model-agnostic out-of-distribution detection using combined statistical tests
Generalized Group Testing
Adaptive A/B Test on Networks with Cluster Structures
Spectral Robustness for Correlation Clustering Reconstruction in Semi-Adversarial Models
Beyond Data Samples: Aligning Differential Networks Estimation with Scientific Knowledge
Two-way Sparse Network Inference for Count Data
Quadric Hypersurface Intersection for Manifold Learning in Feature Space
Adaptive Sampling for Heterogeneous Rank Aggregation from Noisy Pairwise Comparisons
Predicting the utility of search spaces for black-box optimization: a simple, budget-aware approach
Forward Looking Best-Response Multiplicative Weights Update Methods for Bilinear Zero-sum Games
Hypergraph Simultaneous Generators
Amortised Likelihood-free Inference for Expensive Time-series Simulators with Signatured Ratio Estimation
Causal Effect Identification with Context-specific Independence Relations of Control Variables
Data Appraisal Without Data Sharing
A Manifold View of Adversarial Risk
Statistical and computational thresholds for the planted k-densest sub-hypergraph problem
The Fast Kernel Transform
A Bayesian Model for Online Activity Sample Sizes
Multi-armed Bandit Algorithm against Strategic Replication
Learning from an Exploring Demonstrator: Optimal Reward Estimation for Bandits
Triangular Flows for Generative Modeling: Statistical Consistency, Smoothness Classes, and Fast Rates
Adversarially Robust Kernel Smoothing
Learning Inconsistent Preferences with Gaussian Processes
Lifted Primal-Dual Method for Bilinearly Coupled Smooth Minimax Optimization
A Single-Timescale Method for Stochastic Bilevel Optimization
Robust Training in High Dimensions via Block Coordinate Geometric Median Descent
GalilAI: Out-of-Task Distribution Detection using Causal Active Experimentation for Safe Transfer RL
PACm-Bayes: Narrowing the Empirical Risk Gap in the Misspecified Bayesian Regime
Thompson Sampling with a Mixture Prior
An Information-theoretical Approach to Semi-supervised Learning under Covariate-shift
Differentially Private Densest Subgraph
Robust Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting
Efficient interventional distribution learning in the PAC framework
Optimal channel selection with discrete QCQP
Towards Return Parity in Markov Decision Processes
Exploring Counterfactual Explanations Through the Lens of Adversarial Examples: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
Towards Agnostic Feature-based Dynamic Pricing: Linear Policies vs Linear Valuation with Unknown Noise
Towards an Understanding of Default Policies in Multitask Policy Optimization
Can we Generalize and Distribute Private Representation Learning?
Fast and accurate optimization on the orthogonal manifold without retraction
Laplacian Constrained Precision Matrix Estimation: Existence and High Dimensional Consistency
Conditionally Tractable Density Estimation using Neural Networks
Privacy Amplification by Subsampling in Time Domain
Certifiably Robust Variational Autoencoders
Online Competitive Influence Maximization
Weighted Gaussian Process Bandits for Non-stationary Environments
A general class of surrogate functions for stable and efficient reinforcement learning
Expressivity of Neural Networks via Chaotic Itineraries beyond Sharkovsky's Theorem
Second-Order Sensitivity Analysis for Bilevel Optimization
SparseFed: Mitigating Model Poisoning Attacks in Federated Learning with Sparsification
Entrywise Recovery Guarantees for Sparse PCA via Sparsistent Algorithms
Provable Lifelong Learning of Representations
Efficient Online Bayesian Inference for Neural Bandits
Finding Valid Adjustments under Non-ignorability with Minimal DAG Knowledge
Privacy Amplification by Decentralization
Point Cloud Generation with Continuous Conditioning
Semi-Implicit Hybrid Gradient Methods with Application to Adversarial Robustness
Momentum Accelerates the Convergence of Stochastic AUPRC Maximization
Embedded Ensembles: infinite width limit and operating regimes
Encrypted Linear Contextual Bandit
Unlabeled Data Help: Minimax Analysis and Adversarial Robustness
Tile Networks: Learning Optimal Geometric Layout for Whole-page Recommendation
Uncertainty Quantification for Low-Rank Matrix Completion with Heterogeneous and Sub-Exponential Noise
Estimating Functionals of the Out-of-Sample Error Distribution in High-Dimensional Ridge Regression
Effective Nonlinear Feature Selection Method based on HSIC Lasso and with Variational Inference
Distributionally Robust Structure Learning for Discrete Pairwise Markov Networks
GraphAdaMix: Enhancing Node Representations with Graph Adaptive Mixtures
MLDemon:Deployment Monitoring for Machine Learning Systems
Robust Deep Learning from Crowds with Belief Propagation
Bias-Variance Decompositions for Margin Losses
Optimal Dynamic Regret in Proper Online Learning with Strongly Convex Losses and Beyond
Policy Learning for Optimal Individualized Dose Intervals
Threading the Needle of On and Off-Manifold Value Functions for Shapley Explanations
Multiway Spherical Clustering via Degree-Corrected Tensor Block Models
Optimal Rates of (Locally) Differentially Private Heavy-tailed Multi-Armed Bandits
Can Functional Transfer Methods Capture Simple Inductive Biases?
Offline Policy Selection under Uncertainty
Parametric Bootstrap for Differentially Private Confidence Intervals
On Linear Model with Markov Signal Priors
On the Implicit Bias of Gradient Descent for Temporal Extrapolation
On Learning Mixture Models with Sparse Parameters
Diversified Sampling for Batched Bayesian Optimization with Determinantal Point Processes
Fast Fourier Transform Reductions for Bayesian Network Inference
Predictive variational Bayesian inference as risk-seeking optimization
Stateful Offline Contextual Policy Evaluation and Learning
Multiple Importance Sampling ELBO and Deep Ensembles of Variational Approximations
Coresets for Data Discretization and Sine Wave Fitting
Online Control of the False Discovery Rate under “Decision Deadlines”
Doubly Mixed-Effects Gaussian Process Regression
Optimal Design of Stochastic DNA Synthesis Protocols based on Generative Sequence Models
Weak Separation in Mixture Models and Implications for Principal Stratification
Towards Statistical and Computational Complexities of Polyak Step Size Gradient Descent
Adaptive Multi-Goal Exploration
On Convergence of Lookahead in Smooth Games
Learning Personalized Item-to-Item Recommendation Metric via Implicit Feedback
On Uncertainty Estimation by Tree-based Surrogate Models in Sequential Model-based Optimization
Nonstationary multi-output Gaussian processes via harmonizable spectral mixtures
Deep Multi-Fidelity Active Learning of High-Dimensional Outputs
Diversity and Generalization in Neural Network Ensembles
Sample Complexity of Policy-Based Methods under Off-Policy Sampling and Linear Function Approximation
Minimal Expected Regret in Linear Quadratic Control
Particle-based Adversarial Local Distribution Regularization
Efficient Hyperparameter Tuning for Large Scale Kernel Ridge Regression
Variance Minimization in the Wasserstein Space for Invariant Causal Prediction
Grassmann Stein Variational Gradient Descent
Fast Distributionally Robust Learning with Variance-Reduced Min-Max Optimization
Nearly Tight Convergence Bounds for Semi-discrete Entropic Optimal Transport
On Structured Filtering-Clustering: Global Error Bound and Optimal First-Order Algorithms
A View of Exact Inference in Graphs from the Degree-4 Sum-of-Squares Hierarchy
The role of optimization geometry in single neuron learning
On Global-view Based Defense via Adversarial Attack and Defense Risk Guaranteed Bounds
On the complexity of the optimal transport problem with graph-structured cost
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