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Virtual Only Conference
The 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
Mon Mar 28th through Wed the 30th

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AISTATS would like to thank its Area Chairs and Reviewers for their important contribution to this meeting. 



The generous support of our sponsors allowed us to reduce our ticket prices and support diversity at the meeting with financial awards. In addition, many accepted papers at the conference were contributed by our sponsors.

View AISTATS 2022 sponsors »Become a 2025 Sponsor

About Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)

AISTATS is an interdisciplinary gathering of researchers at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related areas. Since its inception in 1985, the primary goal of AISTATS has been to broaden research in these fields by promoting the exchange of ideas among them.

Visit AISTATS main website for information.

Organizing Committee

General Chair

Gustau Camps-Valls, Universitat de València

Program Chair

Francisco J. R. Ruiz, DeepMind
Isabel Valera, Saarland University

Local Chair

Miguel-Ángel Fernández-Torres, Universitat de València

Workflow Chair

Matthias Bauer, DeepMind
Antonio Vergari, UCLA/University of Edinburgh

Publication Chair

Sahra Ghalebikesabi, University of Oxford

Publicity Chair

Gherardo Varando, Universitat de València
Emmanuel Johnson, Universitat de València

D&I Chairs

Sarah Tan, Facebook
Pablo Samuel Castro, Google Brain

Sponsorship Chair

Antonio Artes, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Jordi Vitrià, Universitat de Barcelona

Volunteer Chair

Talha Irfan, UET Lahore

Foundation Board


Arindam Banerjee


Silvia Chiappa


Daryl Pregibon

Board Members

Kenji Fukumizu
Neil D. Lawrence
Marina Meila
Bernhard Scholkopf

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline Oct 15 '21 11:59 AM UTC *
Supplementary material submission deadline Oct 22 '21 03:00 PM UTC *
Reviews released Nov 26 '21 02:00 PM UTC *
Author rebuttals due Dec 05 '21 11:59 AM UTC *
Final decisions Jan 19 '22 07:00 AM UTC *
Camera ready deadline Feb 23 '22 11:59 AM UTC *
Main conference paper authors indicate when they're available to present Feb 28 '22 06:00 PM UTC *
VolunteerApplicationDeadline Mar 01 '22 (Anywhere on Earth)
SlidesLiveLastUpload Mar 16 '22 (Anywhere on Earth)
Last chance for a refund on registration fees Mar 20 '22 11:00 PM UTC *
All dates
