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Bayesian Link Prediction with Deep Graph Convolutional Gaussian Processes

Felix Opolka · Pietro LiĆ³


Link prediction aims to reveal missing edges in a graph. We introduce a deep graph convolutional Gaussian process model for this task, which addresses recent challenges in graph machine learning with oversmoothing and overfitting. Using simplified graph convolutions, we transform a Gaussian process to leverage the topological information of the graph domain.To scale the Gaussian process model to larger graphs, we introduce a variational inducing point method that places pseudo-inputs on a graph-structured domain. Multiple Gaussian processes are assembled into a hierarchy whose structure allows skipping convolutions and thus counteracting oversmoothing.The proposed model represents the first Gaussian process for link prediction that makes use of both node features and topological information.We evaluate our model on multiple graph data sets with up to thousands of nodes and report consistent improvements over competitive link prediction approaches.

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