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Deep Learning / High-dimensionality

Moderator: Sayan Mukherjee

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Thu 15 April 14:15 - 14:30 PDT

Sketch based Memory for Neural Networks

Rina Panigrahy · Xin Wang · Manzil Zaheer

Deep learning has shown tremendous success on a variety of problems. However, unlike traditional computational paradigm, most neural networks do not have access to a memory, which might be hampering its ability to scale to large data structures such as graphs, lookup-tables, databases. We propose a neural architecture where sketch based memory is integrated into a neural network in a uniform manner at every layer. This architecture supplements a neural layer by information accessed from the memory before feeding it to the next layer, thereby significantly expanding the capacity of the network to solve larger problem instances. We show theoretically that problems involving key-value lookup that are traditionally stored in standard databases can now be solved using neural networks augmented by our memory architecture. We also show that our memory layer can be viewed as a kernel function. We show benefits on diverse problems such as long tail image classification, language model, large graph multi hop traversal, etc. arguing that they are all build upon the classical key-value lookup problem (or the variant where the keys may be fuzzy).

Thu 15 April 14:30 - 14:45 PDT

Associative Convolutional Layers

Hamed Omidvar · Vahideh Akhlaghi · Hao Su · Massimo Franceschetti · Rajesh Gupta

We provide a general and easy to implement method for reducing the number of parameters of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) during the training and inference phases. We introduce a simple trainable auxiliary neural network which can generate approximate versions of ``slices'' of the sets of convolutional filters of any CNN architecture from a low dimensional ``code'' space. These slices are then concatenated to form the sets of filters in the CNN architecture. The auxiliary neural network, which we call “Convolutional Slice Generator” (CSG), is unique to the network and provides the association among its convolutional layers. We apply our method to various CNN architectures including ResNet, DenseNet, MobileNet and ShuffleNet. Experiments on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet-1000, without any hyper-parameter tuning, show that our approach reduces the network parameters by approximately $2\times$ while the reduction in accuracy is confined to within one percent and sometimes the accuracy even improves after compression. Interestingly, through our experiments, we show that even when the CSG takes random binary values for its weights that are not learned, still acceptable performances are achieved. To show that our approach generalizes to other tasks, we apply it to an image segmentation architecture, Deeplab V3, on the Pascal VOC 2012 dataset. Results show that without any parameter tuning, there is $\approx 2.3\times$ parameter reduction and the mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) drops by $\approx 3\%$. Finally, we provide comparisons with several related methods showing the superiority of our method in terms of accuracy.

Thu 15 April 14:45 - 15:00 PDT

Deep Fourier Kernel for Self-Attentive Point Processes

Shixiang Zhu · Minghe Zhang · Ruyi Ding · Yao Xie

We present a novel attention-based model for discrete event data to capture complex non-linear temporal dependence structures. We borrow the idea from the attention mechanism and incorporate it into the point processes' conditional intensity function. We further introduce a novel score function using Fourier kernel embedding, whose spectrum is represented using neural networks, which drastically differs from the traditional dot-product kernel and can capture a more complex similarity structure. We establish our approach's theoretical properties and demonstrate our approach's competitive performance compared to the state-of-the-art for synthetic and real data.

Thu 15 April 15:00 - 15:15 PDT

Uniform Consistency of Cross-Validation Estimators for High-Dimensional Ridge Regression

Pratik Patil · Yuting Wei · Alessandro Rinaldo · Ryan Tibshirani

We examine generalized and leave-one-out cross-validation for ridge regression in a proportional asymptotic framework where the dimension of the feature space grows proportionally with the number of observations. Given i.i.d.\ samples from a linear model with an arbitrary feature covariance and a signal vector that is bounded in $\ell_2$ norm, we show that generalized cross-validation for ridge regression converges almost surely to the expected out-of-sample prediction error, uniformly over a range of ridge regularization parameters that includes zero (and even negative values). We prove the analogous result for leave-one-out cross-validation. As a consequence, we show that ridge tuning via minimization of generalized or leave-one-out cross-validation asymptotically almost surely delivers the optimal level of regularization for predictive accuracy, whether it be positive, negative, or zero.