Conference Overview
- Thursday-Saturday (May 2nd-4th): Conference Sessions including Invited Talks, Orals, Posters, Mentoring, and Panels.
- The Sponsor Hall is open every day
Getting Started
Everyone is expected to follow the Code of Conduct. We recommend you start with the conference schedule, and read below to learn more about how to use all elements of the virtual conference site. Thank you to all the organizers who made AISTATS 2024 possible.
Navigating the Website
You may access all parts of the conference using the top menu bar on this page. Check the Schedule to get an overview of when the live sessions for all events are taking place. You may navigate all the papers in the Papers section. You may search for titles and authors or look through all papers by skimming titles and bookmarking them. You can bookmark other sessions as well. If you go to your name in the top right corner and click on My Bookmarks in the dropdown menu, you can Download the schedule with all sessions you bookmarked and you can import it in your calendar.
This is a cautionary tale about timezones. Several attendees have noticed that the times shown on the virtual website appeared incorrectly. The problem was that they chose a timezone that did not adjust for daylight savings time. We highly recommend picking a timezone based on a nearby city, especially if your area observes daylight savings time. Timezones are political and complex and thus confusing. Please check your timezone, and preferably choose a zone based on a city. The conference timezone is Europe/Madrid.
Your current timezone: . (Note: the paper browser uses your system timezone.)
Code of Conduct Issues
If you have concerns related to your inclusion at that conference, observe someone else's difficulties, or have any other concerns related to inclusion, please use this form
Getting Help
Use this form. In general, please refer to our FAQ page for more details on how to resolve common issues.
Conference Site System Requirements
JavaScript must be enabled in your browser. A 10 mb of inbound bandwidth is recommended. A Chromium browser is recommended.