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Communication Efficient Primal-Dual Algorithm for Nonconvex Nonsmooth Distributed Optimization

Congliang Chen · Jiawei Zhang · Li Shen · Peilin Zhao · Zhiquan Luo

Keywords: [ Algorithms, Optimization and Computation Methods ] [ Large Scale, Parallel and Distributed ]

Abstract: Decentralized optimization problems frequently appear in the large scale machine learning problems. However, few works work on the difficult nonconvex nonsmooth case. In this paper, we propose a decentralized primal-dual algorithm to solve this type of problem in a decentralized manner and the proposed algorithm can achieve an $\mathcal{O}(1/\epsilon^2)$ iteration complexity to attain an $\epsilon-$solution, which is the well-known lower iteration complexity bound for nonconvex optimization. To our knowledge, it is the first algorithm achieving this rate under a nonconvex, nonsmooth decentralized setting. Furthermore, to reduce communication overhead, we also modifying our algorithm by compressing the vectors exchanged between agents. The iteration complexity of the algorithm with compression is still $\mathcal{O}(1/\epsilon^2)$. Besides, we apply the proposed algorithm to solve nonconvex linear regression problem and train deep learning model, both of which demonstrate the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed algorithm.

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