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Training a Tucker Model With Shared Factors: a Riemannian Optimization Approach

Ivan Peshekhonov · Aleksei Arzhantsev · Maxim Rakhuba

MR1 & MR2 - Number 28
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Fri 3 May 8 a.m. PDT — 8:30 a.m. PDT


Factorization of a matrix into a product of two rectangular factors, is a classic tool in various machine learning applications. Tensor factorizations generalize this concept to more than two dimensions. In applications, where some of the tensor dimensions have the same size or encode the same objects (e.g., knowledge graphs with entity-relation-entity 3D tensors), it can also be beneficial for the respective factors to be shared. In this paper, we consider a well-known Tucker tensor factorization and study its properties under the shared factor constraint. We call it a shared-factor Tucker factorization (SF-Tucker). Since sharing factors breaks polylinearity of classical tensor factorizations, common optimization schemes such as alternating least squares become inapplicable. Nevertheless, as we show in this paper, a set of fixed-rank SF-Tucker tensors preserves a Riemannian manifold structure. Therefore, we develop efficient algorithms for the main ingredients of Riemannian optimization on the SF-Tucker manifold and implement a Riemannian optimization method with momentum. We showcase the benefits of our approach on several machine learning tasks including knowledge graph completion and compression of neural networks.

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