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Extended Deep Adaptive Input Normalization for Preprocessing Time Series Data for Neural Networks

Marcus September · Francesco Sanna Passino · Leonie Goldmann · Anton Hinel

MR1 & MR2 - Number 56
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[ Poster
Thu 2 May 8 a.m. PDT — 8:30 a.m. PDT


Data preprocessing is a crucial part of any machine learning pipeline, and it can have a significant impact on both performance and training efficiency. This is especially evident when using deep neural networks for time series prediction and classification: real-world time series data often exhibit irregularities such as multi-modality, skewness and outliers, and the model performance can degrade rapidly if these characteristics are not adequately addressed. In this work, we propose the EDAIN (Extended Deep Adaptive Input Normalization) layer, a novel adaptive neural layer that learns how to appropriately normalize irregular time series data for a given task in an end-to-end fashion, instead of using a fixed normalization scheme. This is achieved by optimizing its unknown parameters simultaneously with the deep neural network using back-propagation. Our experiments, conducted using synthetic data, a credit default prediction dataset, and a large-scale limit order book benchmark dataset, demonstrate the superior performance of the EDAIN layer when compared to conventional normalization methods and existing adaptive time series preprocessing layers.

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