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Exhibitor Information for AISTATS 2024

View AISTATS 2024 Exhibitors »

Exhibitor payments are due Apr 29, 2024 (anywhere on earth).

Read the information below and then Apply here

Sponsor Prospectus 2024

Since its inception in 1985, AISTATS has been an interdisciplinary gathering of researchers at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related areas. In effort to provide a safe, productive, and worthwhile forum for both attendees and sponsors alike, the annual AIStats conference will be in a physical format 2024.

To make this possible, the Society for Artificial Intelligence and Statistics is deeply grateful to our sponsors who provide funds that are essential to the continued success of the conference. An important use of your funds is the support of the next generation of AI and statistics researchers from all over the world, who need financial assistance to participate in the conference.

The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2024) offers sponsor opportunities designed to give you and attendees an excellent sponsor experience. Access to attendees and to the recruitment database gives sponsors an extraordinary recruiting opportunity.

We invite sponsors to participate in the AISTATS 2024 conference at the Silver, Gold, Diamond, or Platinum levels with an opportunity to sponsor a catering break.

Exhibitor Levels

Diamond $15,600 USD

  • Booth: White rectangular table, accompanying chair, identification sign
  • Access to opt-in recruiting database & CVs for recruitment (names, CVs, interests included) + the Career Website
  • Eight (8) complimentary registrations
  • Acknowledgement at the opening plenary
  • Company logo on Welcome sign
  • Opportunity to sponsor “Test of Time” Award
  • Company name and logo on the AISTATS website
  • (2) 4 nights hotel next to AISTATS conference center

Platinum $10,400 USD

  • Booth: White rectangular table, accompanying chair, identification sign
  • Access to opt-in recruiting database & CVs for recruitment (names, CVs, interests included) + the Career Website
  • Six (6) complimentary registrations
  • Acknowledgement at the opening plenary
  • Company logo on Welcome sign
  • Company name and logo on the AISTATS website
  • (1) 4 nights hotel next to AISTATS conference center

Gold $5,200 USD

  • Access to opt-in recruiting database & CVs for recruitment (names, CVs, interests included) + the Career Website
  • Two (2) complimentary registrations
  • Company logo on Welcome sign
  • Company name and logo on the AISTATS website
  • (1) 4 nights hotel next to AISTATS conference center

Silver $2,100 USD

  • Access to the Career Website job posting
  • Company name and logo on website with link
  • Company logo on Welcome sign
  • Two (2) complimentary registrations for conference. No Booth Space

Catering Sponsor $1,000 USD

Available for exhibiting sponsors Invited speaker announces Catering break sponsored by xxx

Required Information 2024

To start the application, it's helpful to gather some information up front. When you are ready, please  Enter the Sponsor Portal » button to begin.

  1. Company PO number. After you complete the application, you may email yourself an invoice from the sponsor portal for the amount of the sponsorship. If you need that invoice to have a PO number from your company on it, then you will need to add that PO number in section 3 of the application.
  2. Branding. Our sponsor page highlights your company logo, provides a link to your website, and displays a paragraph about your company. You will be asked for each of these in various steps.
  3. Vector logo. We need a high-quality vector version of your logo in .svg format. This logo may be enlarged for a sponsor poster, so it is important that it be a high-quality image in vector format.
  4. Payment. Sponsorship and exhibitor payment is due by Apr 29, 2024.  Your invoice will be generated in section 4 of the sponsorportal. Your logo and company information will be on the website when payment an contract are received.


Shipping Address 2024

Palacio de Congresos de Valencia
Avda. Corts Valencianes, 60
46015 Valencia


Exhibitor Handbook

  • The AISTAT 2024 Exhibitor handbook here
  • Set up May 1st 1pm - 7pm     Dismantle Saturday 5:30pm


Questions? Contact us

To find out more detailed information about being a Sponsor Enter the Sponsor Portal »

Watch the video: How To Become A Sponsor (Walks you through the entire process - 15 min)

If we can supply any additional information or be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to email: Terri Auricchio

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you in at the conference.