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Oral 5: Kernels / Optimization / Deep learning

Moderators: Martin Takac · Jakub Tomczak

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Tue 29 March 2:30 - 2:45 PDT

Adversarially Robust Kernel Smoothing

Jia-Jie Zhu · Christina Kouridi · Yassine Nemmour · Bernhard Schölkopf

We propose a scalable robust learning algorithm combining kernel smoothing and robust optimization. Our method is motivated by the convex analysis perspective of distributionally robust optimization based on probability metrics, such as the Wasserstein distance and the maximum mean discrepancy. We adapt the integral operator using supremal convolution in convex analysis to form a novel function majorant used for enforcing robustness. Our method is simple in form and applies to general loss functions and machine learning models. Exploiting a connection with optimal transport, we prove theoretical guarantees for certified robustness under distribution shift. Furthermore, we report experiments with general machine learning models, such as deep neural networks, to demonstrate competitive performance with the state-of-the-art certifiable robust learning algorithms based on the Wasserstein distance.

Tue 29 March 2:45 - 3:00 PDT

A Single-Timescale Method for Stochastic Bilevel Optimization

Tianyi Chen · Yuejiao Sun · Quan Xiao · Wotao Yin

Stochastic bilevel optimization generalizes the classic stochastic optimization from the minimization of a single objective to the minimization of an objective function that depends on the solution of another optimization problem. Recently, bilevel optimization is regaining popularity in emerging machine learning applications such as hyper-parameter optimization and model-agnostic meta learning. To solve this class of optimization problems, existing methods require either double-loop or two-timescale updates, which are sometimes less efficient. This paper develops a new optimization method for a class of stochastic bilevel problems that we term Single-Timescale stochAstic BiLevEl optimization (\textbf{STABLE}) method. STABLE runs in a single loop fashion, and uses a single-timescale update with a fixed batch size. To achieve an $\epsilon$-stationary point of the bilevel problem, STABLE requires ${\cal O}(\epsilon^{-2})$ samples in total; and to achieve an $\epsilon$-optimal solution in the strongly convex case, STABLE requires ${\cal O}(\epsilon^{-1})$ samples. To the best of our knowledge, when STABLE was proposed, it is the \emph{first} bilevel optimization algorithm achieving the same order of sample complexity as SGD for single-level stochastic optimization.

Tue 29 March 3:00 - 3:15 PDT

Lifted Primal-Dual Method for Bilinearly Coupled Smooth Minimax Optimization

Kiran Thekumparampil · Niao He · Sewoong Oh

We study the bilinearly coupled minimax problem: $\min_{x} \max_{y} f(x) + y^\top A x - h(y)$, where $f$ and $h$ are both strongly convex smooth functions and admit first-order gradient oracles. Surprisingly, no known first-order algorithms have hitherto achieved the lower complexity bound of $\Omega((\sqrt{\frac{L_x}{\mu_x}} + \frac{\|A\|}{\sqrt{\mu_x \mu_y}} + \sqrt{\frac{L_y}{\mu_y}}) \log(\frac1{\varepsilon}))$ for solving this problem up to an $\varepsilon$ primal-dual gap in the general parameter regime, where $L_x, L_y,\mu_x,\mu_y$ are the corresponding smoothness and strongly convexity constants. We close this gap by devising the first optimal algorithm, the Lifted Primal-Dual (LPD) method. Our method lifts the objective into an extended form that allows both the smooth terms and the bilinear term to be handled optimally and seamlessly with the same primal-dual framework. Besides optimality, our method yields a desirably simple single-loop algorithm that uses only one gradient oracle call per iteration. Moreover, when $f$ is just convex, the same algorithm applied to a smoothed objective achieves the nearly optimal iteration complexity. We also provide a direct single-loop algorithm, using the LPD method, that achieves the iteration complexity of $O(\sqrt{\frac{L_x}{\varepsilon}} + \frac{\|A\|}{\sqrt{\mu_y \varepsilon}} + \sqrt{\frac{L_y}{\varepsilon}})$. Numerical experiments on quadratic minimax problems and policy evaluation problems further demonstrate the fast convergence of our algorithm in practice.

Tue 29 March 3:15 - 3:30 PDT

Generative Models as Distributions of Functions

Emilien Dupont · Yee Whye Teh · Arnaud Doucet

Generative models are typically trained on grid-like data such as images. As a result, the size of these models usually scales directly with the underlying grid resolution. In this paper, we abandon discretized grids and instead parameterize individual data points by continuous functions. We then build generative models by learning distributions over such functions. By treating data points as functions, we can abstract away from the specific type of data we train on and construct models that are agnostic to discretization. To train our model, we use an adversarial approach with a discriminator that acts on continuous signals. Through experiments on a wide variety of data modalities including images, 3D shapes and climate data, we demonstrate that our model can learn rich distributions of functions independently of data type and resolution.