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Score-based Quickest Change Detection for Unnormalized Models

Suya Wu · Enmao Diao · Taposh Banerjee · Jie Ding · Vahid Tarokh

Auditorium 1 Foyer 65


Classical change detection algorithms typically require modeling pre-change and post-change distributions. The calculations may not be feasible for various machine learning models because of the complexity of computing the partition functions and normalized distributions. Additionally, these methods may suffer from a lack of robustness to model mismatch and noise. In this paper, we develop a new variant of the classical Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) change detection, namely Score-based CUSUM (SCUSUM), based on Fisher divergence and the Hyv\"arinen score. Our method allows the applications of the quickest change detection for unnormalized distributions. We provide a theoretical analysis of the detection delay given the constraints on false alarms. We prove the asymptotic optimality of the proposed method in some particular cases. We also provide numerical experiments to demonstrate our method's computation, performance, and robustness advantages.

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