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On Universal Portfolios with Continuous Side Information

Alankrita Bhatt · Jongha Jon Ryu · Young-Han Kim

Auditorium 1 Foyer 95


A new portfolio selection strategy that adapts to a continuous side-information sequence is presented, with a universal wealth guarantee against a class of state-constant rebalanced portfolios with respect to a state function that maps each side-information symbol to a finite set of states. In particular, given that a state function belongs to a collection of functions of finite Natarajan dimension, the proposed strategy is shown to achieve, asymptotically to first order in the exponent, the same wealth as the best state-constant rebalanced portfolio with respect to the best state function, chosen in hindsight from observed market. This result can be viewed as an extension of the seminal work of Cover and Ordentlich (1996) that assumes a single-state function.

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